Friday, February 12, 2010

Priyank Singh:Education Aspects in India

In recent days, India's growth rate shows positive signs and there are tremendous progress in various sectors. According to EFA (Education For All ) global monitoring report 2010 India's rank was 105 among 128 countries. Various countries like Zambia, Kenya, Ghana, Bhutan etc having poor economy than India but having high ranking than India. All these things are quite puzzling to me.

Various schemes were launched such as sarva shiksha abhiyan which means to improve the conditions of schools and colleges and to make education for all easy. I think , this progress was only in terms of enrollments because according to the latest statistics available from the Flash Statistics and analytical reports on elementary education in India ,on an average there are only 3 teachers per school. About 14% of the schools have a single class room, 37% do not have toilets , 25% have electricity connection. National norm is 1:40 teacher to student ratio but hardly any school (may be private or government) maintains this ratio (ask yourself what is the ratio in your school or college??). Another reason of not improving the rank is poor survival rate only 66% of the enrolled children in grade 1 make it to grade 5 whereas survival rate in other countries is more than 90%.There must be some system to get through it.

In India, for higher education various people are fighting with each other. If, in a year, there are very good students then the cut-offs will go higher and only few of them get selected because of getting through the cut-off, quota system and few seats availability while in other countries there are thresholds which the student must achieve to get the admission, if you are above that threshold level then you will definitely get selected or get an interview call. In our country people are still wasting their precious time in order to achieve their targets or in order to clear the cut offs.

There are very few colleges all over the country which promote creativity. I think we are living in a modern era where a creative idea can make million dollars and still we don’t promote it. We need everything good directors, poets, musicians and various other creative people……..SO BE CREATIVE.


  1. Hi every one...this is my 1st blog...I hope,I wrote it perfectly....if there is any mistake or suggestion pls let me know.....thanks...

  2. gr8 work buddy.. chase excellence, success will follow.. keep up the gud work.. :D

  3. thought is gud.. i think u can boost up wid more facts , figures n stats.. wud be kind of more convincing.. rest is very gud..

  4. Hey Priyank good Varun said its true you have to come up with more facts.....and try to explain more stuff about other countries education.....

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. nice attempt..but it could be more prolific..

  7. thx everybdy for giving such suggestn....

  8. Nice thought 4 sure....I liked the note on wich you ended the post....mayb it can give a start to another post
